- Signore Trulli! You've got mail! - Even this early in the morning? The man has not even wake up... - ...Ok, after all, I'm looking forward to get a new contract, so let's see the letter! - "From Russia with Love! Signature: Petrov"
#6017 –
2012-02-18 11:18:32 jpg/111кб
- Что-то не так? Тебе из-за вина плохо? - Это не из-за вина, я съел итальянского пилота на ланч.
#6016 –
2012-02-18 11:09:26 jpg/206кб
«Прощайте Ярно и Рубенс».
#6015 –
2012-02-18 11:05:01 Михаэль Шумахер со своей женой Коринной на карнавальной вечеринке в Кёльне.
Michael Schumacher with his wife Corinna at Koeln Carnival Party (Feb 2012).
#6012 –
2012-02-17 12:50:14 jpg/189кб
In Jerez, the FIA has struggled to check the exhaust from new F1... - Predictably: duckbill in front and duck exhaust at the rear!...
#6010 –
2012-02-17 12:42:29 jpg/153кб
Is Ferrari F2012 aggressive enough to attack Red Bull this season? - It'll be hard to beat a bull with that! ..
#6009 –
2012-02-17 12:38:02